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Soil Classification & Mapping:

The soil found in their natural and undisturbed settings provide clues as to what management can be best suited for a site and property.  Soils are classified by the properties found in the different horizons of a soil profile up to six feet below the ground surface.

In addition to his professional activities, Rusty serves the community as a volunteer as well.  He continues to be a lifelong volunteer with the Northeast Georgia Council of the Boy Scouts of America.  He also served on the Board of Directors of the Blairsville-Union County Chamber of Commerce for several years in the 2000's serving as the Chair of the board from 2004 to 2006.  In 2003, 2004, and 2005, Rusty also served the Chamber and the local community as the founder and Program Coordinator for the first three sessions of Leadership Union, a community leadership program in coordination with the Fanning Institute for Leadership of the University of Georgia.  In 2012 Rusty completed a Master's degree in Communication and Leadership from Gonzaga University and has been teaching classes in Public Speaking, Human Communication, and special topics and honors classes in Communication and Leadership at his Alma mater, Young Harris College.Enotah Environmental LLC is also a proud sponsor of the Hiwassee River Watershed Coalition that works to protect the waters in the four counties that they run through: Towns and Union Counties in Georgia and Cherokee and Clay Counties in North Carolina.

Soil Map Units are areas of similarly classified soils on similar landscapes and describe areas where soil properties can utilize similar management and uses.

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Level 1 Soil Survey - Reconnaissance:

Level 1 Soil Surveys involve a literature review of pertinent information including USGS Quad analysis, NRCS Soil Survey review, etc. and a limited site reconnaissance.  This provides the client with a somewhat limited and cursory understanding of site and soil characteristics of a tract of land.

Soil and Environmental consultation blairsville, GA

Level 2 Soil Survey - Planning:

Level 2 Soil Surveys are more detailed than a Level 1 Soil Survey in that a soil boring/test is advanced at an intensity of 1 per acre on a tract of land.  This level provides greater detail for a client during the due diligence stage of a proposed development to understand what the site and soil characteristics are before committing extensive resources to a project.  This can save both money and time before becoming too invested as well as provide greater confidence in committing to the investment.

Level 3 Soil Survey - Testing:

Level 3 Soil Testing is required for Onsite Wastewater (Septic) System permitting in the State of Georgia.  County Environmental Health Departments require a Level 3 Soil Report prior to applying for the septic permit.

Soil and Environmental consultation blairsville, GA Rusty Royston

Wetland Determinations:

Wetlands must meet distinct criteria to be classified as jurisdictional wetlands in the site's soil, vegetation, and hydrology.  Wetland Soils have distinct features that exist when an area stays wet for a set amount of time during the year.  These soils support vegetation only found to grow in wet areas.  And soil describes much of the hydrology of the site and how water functions there.

Soils then provide the foundation for understanding what is a wetland and knowing where these soils are on a tract of land can provide a developer with information that can impact a potential development.

Erosion & Sediment Control:

When land is disturbed, soil - clay, silt, and sand - can be transported and end up moving with rainwater filling and clogging natural drainage features: creeks, rivers, ponds, etc.

Protecting State waters is a very real and important concern in Georgia.  Ensuring that disturbed soil and sediments stay on site is critical for a successful development and plans and protocols for making that a reality are required for site development.

We work with County Environmental Health Specialists to make sure that details of site and soil evaluations are used to make the best decisions for the homeowner and those responsible for permitting onsite wastewater systems